Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1934 Straits Settlements One Dollar

Straits Settlements Bank Notes is one of the Malaysia Numismatic collector favorite theme of collection, PMG had on 11th January 2020 select the 1934 Strait Settlement One Dollar to become their "Note of the day" post on that day. Here is how PMG introduce this note,

Note of the Day: The Straits Settlements were British territories in Southeast Asia, primarily Malaysia, roughly between 1824 until the Japanese invaded in World War II. The Malayan tiger depicted on the back of this $1 note, a subspecies unique to the Malay Peninsula, is one of the smallest tigers in the world and is classified as critically endangered, according to the World Wildlife Fund. #caturday #tigers #papermoney#banknotes #numismatics

Source from PMG Facebook Page.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


In the on-going Bank Negara Sasana Kijang Musuem exhibition, featuring the theme of "The 60-Year Journey of Bank Negara", the interesting pattern banknotes can be found in this exhibition.

During Bank Negara in their project to issue the first series of Malaya banknotes, there are some proposed designs from the company wish to involve in the project, one of the company from England, Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co., Ltd. New Malden Surrey, had proposed the designs as shown in the below photo, which they did not make the final cut to become official design of our first series banknotes, how do you think of this design?