Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Wow! After the serial number 1, now the serial number 2


Trigometric will be organizing their second auction for this year in 19th-20th June, at the just concluded auction in March, we all know that one of the eye catching lot is the serial number 1 of the 50 Ringgit Commemorative bank note in-conjunction of the Malaysia 50th Anniversary of Independence, the lot is sold with the RM600,000 hammer price, which if include the 18% buyer premium, it will be a whopping sum of RM708,000.

And now the coming June auction, serial number 2 will be featuring in the auction.  

PMG Certified Artist's Rendition Note

On 12th April 2021, PMG has introduce their certified Malaya and British Borneo 10 Dollar Artist's Rendition note in various social media site, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which will be featuring in the Mavin Auction 57, the link of the PMG article can be found here.

Fascinating watching this beautiful and colourful artist's rendition in photo, I wish that can look at a real piece of artist's rendition note, luckily I get to see one piece of such note which is in the show cabinet at Trigometric office as shown in below photo.